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Your in-game Name: Peanity Staff member that punished you: Nephelle_ When were you punished: 18th Feb 2024 Reason for punishment: Xray Why you think you should be unbanned/muted: I understand what I have done, and should never do it again, and is overall cheating, not just in this beautiful SMP, but in Minecraft in general. It makes the game boring, and extremely unfair for other players. I understand what impact I have done, and sincerely apologise for the actions I have performed.
5 months ago
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  • hey are you the owner of the sootmc if you are i'am sorry that i use xray can you please give a chance i will delate my xray
    7 months ago
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  • 6gy
    9 months ago
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  • pee
    10 months ago
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  • pee
    12 months ago
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    5 months ago
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    SootMC are in total support of Shelby. We condemn the actions of Wilbur and no longer wish to be associated with him in any way. SootMC has closed its doors today pending a rebrand. Stay tuned here for more updates. On behalf of all at SootMC... Fuck you Wilbur.
    5 months ago
    Hey everyone! I know quite a few of you are upset about the recent removal of world downloads. Therefore I have compiled a list of the world downloads that we already had (1.14-1.17). I am currently unaware of where the 1.18 maps are however I will keep looking for them. In the meantime, here is the link which will redirect you to the notion page containing all the links: https://sootmc.net/world-downloads/  
    9 months ago
    Hey fellow SootMC enjoyers! It’s time for a long overdue update on what’s been going on inside the hamster cage at SootMC.   First off I’ll start with world downloads. Since the very early beginnings of sootmc, we have done world downloads for each server that contains player made things, however since a lot of management changes have happened since then, we no longer have the 6+ hours it requires to carry out a download for 1 world nor do we have the storage space on our servers to keep providing these world downloads. Therefore we will no longer be providing world downloads. At the end of seasons I will provide schematics to players of builds they request. I’ll put a form out nearer that time.   Now I’ll move onto 1.20.2 support. I know this is something that has been requested ever since that version was stably released. This would mean we have to update all our server software, plugins and iron out the inevitable bugs that would come with it. At SootMC currently a lot of the staff who are required to do these changes (including myself) are extremely busy and at the moment do not have the spare time to be upgrading servers and spending hours sorting out bugs. Over the next few days however I am going to be making some slow headway into this and I will keep you all informed. For now we don’t have an ETA for when it will be supported on SootMC.   Now for skyblock. This is probably the most requested thing I’ve seen all season, however much like the world downloads and updating to 1.20.2, I am currently the soul dev of Skyblock however I also am sootmc’s staff and network manager meaning I have a lot of other bits I need to be doing in order to keep sootmc running, on top of my IRL responsibilities. If you feel like you’d be a good fit to help dev for Skyblock, submit an application! https://sootmc.net/applications/dev   I have one final thing to announce that might be quite exciting for you all. We are currently working on a public testing server for SootMC. Basically it will be a server where devs can put their in development plugins on for everyone to test. It will be open 24/7 and will hopefully have a constant flow of new things to test. This could be for SMP, Prisons, Skyblock or basically anything else around the server. We currently have no ETA for this however I hope we’ll have it out before Christmas.   I hope this update has cleared some bits up for everyone, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments of this post or open a SootMail on Discord. 
    9 months ago
    Applications will be closing this Friday  
    9 months ago
    Hello everyone!  Have you ever had an idea for an event to run on SootMC but just never been able to execute it? Or have you ever wanted to help us organise and run SootMC events? Well you're in luck because we're opening up our event team applications once again! There are a few requirements to join the team but as long as you meet them then you have a good shot.    Requirements: You must own a legitimate copy of Minecraft (Java is preferred however not essential)You must be 16+You should be an active community player   If you feel like you meet the above requirements, then fill in this form for a chance to join our wonderful team! Application: https://sootmc.net/applications/event   If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread!
    10 months ago